Devbhoomi Uttarakhand came into existence on the 9th of November 2000 after being separated from Uttar Pradesh. The state completed 21 years of existence on Monday. On this occasion, various programs will be organized across the state including the capital Dehradun. In this sequence, Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat paid floral tributes at the Martyr Memorial on the occasion of State Foundation Day in Dehradun on Monday morning. He attended the ceremonial parade along with Governor Baby Rani Maurya at the police line. A development book will also be released on this occasion.
At the same time, Bhararisain (Gairsain) after becoming the summer capital, will witness a grand program for the first time on the State Foundation Day in which Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat will be present.
On similar lines, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday greeted the people of Uttarakhand on the state’s 21st formation day and hoped the state will continue to scale new heights of development. On the path of development, may this state, full of natural wealth and beauty, continue to scale new heights of development, the prime minister said in a tweet in Hindi.