Bollywood actor Anupam Kher recently took to his Instagram and Twitter to share a video of him hitchhiking to the shooting location in the Queen of Hills. The veteran actor, who has been shooting in Mussoorie for some time now for his upcoming film ‘The Kashmir Files’, was stuck in a traffic jam on Saturday while on his way to the shooting location – Masjid Wali Gali at Kitab Ghar. To avoid reaching late, Anupam asked for a lift from a student riding a scooter.
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Saturday being a weekend, there was a traffic jam situation due to the overcrowding of tourists in Mussoorie. In this jam was Anupam Kher’s vehicle, which got stuck near the gas godown on Mussoorie-Dehradun road. Following this, he asked for a lift from a localite Himanshu and swiftly reached Kitab Ghar.
While commuting with Himanshu as a pillion rider, Anupam shared the video of their conversation on Instagram and Twitter. In the video, Anupam states that Mussoorie becomes very congested sometimes with the traffic being horrifying. He had to reach the location on time, so he had no way other than to resort to a scooter ride. He asked for a lift from a local student Himanshu and enjoyed every bit of the hitchhike.
In his Instagram post, Anupam had written:
Shooting, scooter and I
Mussoorie is crowded. Traffic can be horrifying. And i had to reach location on time. So there is no other way but to hitch hike on a scooter. #Himanshu, a local college student was kind and thrilled to oblige. Had fun!! Here is video and the running commentary!! 🤓😜😍 #KuchBhiHoSaktaHai #TheKashmirFiles #JoyOfCinema