The Uttarakhand Police has launched a drive called Mission Hausla to help people get oxygen, beds, and plasma for COVID-19 patients.
Besides this, the police are also helping the public by arranging ration, ambulance, cremation of bodies as part of the mission, said Director General of Police Ashok Kumar.
DGP Ashok Kumar informed that many people in the society want to help, and many people need help, and the police are working as a nodal agency to merge these two.
“We started this mission on May 1, and it has completed 10 days. So far, we have received 4 thousand 365 calls in 10 days, and on Sunday, we received 649 calls in the state alone,” he said.
He also informed that they have two toll-free numbers in all the districts of the state – 112 and 9411112701 – these two numbers are available for emergency contact.
The DGP further said that due to the curfew, the movement of people is not possible. Therefore, every police station in Uttarakhand has been made the nodal police station for the mission. These police stations have been asked to identify the people who are ready to provide help and even those who need help.
According to DGP, 116 oxygen cylinders have been made available on Sunday, and so far, police have made 665 cylinders available. “We are trying to increase the circulation of oxygen cylinders by this mission,” the DGP said.
“Getting beds in hospitals is the most difficult task for us because there are no beds available in the hospital. Although, in emergency cases, we are also trying to get beds. On Sunday, police have helped 36 people to get beds,” he said.
According to DGP, 101 people have been helped to get the plasma so far, 5460 people have been helped in getting medicines, 157 people in getting an ambulance, and over 5000 people have been given ration.
The DGP also said that as of now, 289 COVID-19 positive bodies have been cremated by the police. On Sunday, police cremated 37 dead bodies.
The police have also approached 417 senior citizens, who are alone and are being looked after under the Mission Hausla.