Days after the Uttarakhand government canceled the ‘Kanwar Yatra’ given COVID-19, Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Thursday said, “protection of people’s lives comes first for us.”
However, commenting on the Uttar Pradesh governments’ decision to allow Kanwar Yatra, Dhami said, “We have stopped it in our state.”
Uttar Pradesh has decided to continue with the Kanwar Yatra.
At a high-level meeting on Tuesday, CM Dhami decided to cancel Kanwar Yatra, given the COVID-19 pandemic.
Reflecting on the decisions by Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh, the Supreme Court, on Wednesday, while taking suo motu cognizance on the UP’s decision to allow the Kanwar Yatra, asked the Chief Ministers of the respective states to clear their stands on Kanwar Yatra.
Justice Nariman lauded Uttarakhand’s decision to cancel the yatra. On the other hand, while referring to a news report, Justice Nariman criticized the UP government’s decision to continue with the yatra and termed the decision as something disturbing.