Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami on Wednesday announced ex-gratia of Rs 50,000 to the next kin of the deceased on death due to COVID-19 in Uttarakhand. He also directed the District Magistrates to provide the compensation amount to the victim’s families within 30 days of the application.
Addressing a program organized on the International Disaster Risk Reduction Day at the Chief Minister’s residence, the minister said that financial assistance will be provided from the ‘State Disaster Response Fund’.
“In case of death due to corona, the state government will give a compensation of Rs 50,000 to the next of kin of the deceased. This financial assistance will be provided from the ‘State Disaster Response Fund’,” tweeted the Chief Minister.
The Chief Minister further directed the District Magistrates to ensure its proper arrangements.
“The state government stands with the families of those who lost their lives due to the global pandemic COVID-19,” Dhami said.
Earlier, the Supreme Court, on October 4, while approving Centre’s disaster management guidelines on payment of Rs 50,000 ex-gratia compensation to the next kin of those who died of COVID-19, said the money to be disbursed within 30 days of applying.