Uttarakhand: Roorkee’s Gadharona village reports 80 dengue cases in last 4 days


About 80 dengue cases have been reported in Roorkee’s Gadharona Village of Haridwar district in the last four days, Dr. Gurnam Singh, district malaria officer, informed on Thursday.

Speaking about the incident, Singh said, “Out of about 160 samples taken from Gadharona Village of Roorkee area of Haridwar district in the last four days, dengue has been confirmed in about 80 people. Earlier, 19 people had come to the village suffering from dengue.”

Earlier in this month, the Dehradun district of Uttarakhand also recorded a total of 56 dengue cases. Given this, the district administration carried out an anti-dengue drive, including dengue larva survey, source reduction, spraying, and fogging.


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