Renowned Bollywood Actor & Producer Tusshar Kapoor, who has debuted as an author with his newly launched book Bachelor Dad, will be attending the much anticipated Dehradun Literature Festival on April 1.
Tusshar Kapoor will be sharing insights on his book on the opening day of the 4th edition of the Dehradun Literature Festival 2022 at Hyatt Regency. He will be in conversation with the well-known publisher Milee Ashwarya.
Sharing his insight on being a part of the Dehradun Literature Festival, Tusshar says, “I’m truly excited to be a part of the Dehradun Literature Festival 2022. The festival comes at a time when we as a society are almost back to normal life. As far as books are concerned, it was primarily restricted to the virtual world in the past couple of years. And now, the idea of interacting with readers and presenting a book on a platform that is not virtual is something very alien to me, as when my book was released in February, most of the things were still closed.”
He further said, “Being a debut author, it would be a great opportunity for me to showcase my writing skills as well as to share a few anecdotes about my personality in front of a large audience at such a renowned festival.”
When asked about his take on single parenting, Tusshar said that it has always been about normalizing it and shattering the ceiling when people tell him that both parents are mandatory for raising a child. He added, “Single parenting has normalized over time, and I hope that my book would surely bring about some change in this scenario.”
Talking about his journey from an established actor to an author, Tusshar says that it has been colored by milestones that were unpredictable, unplanned, and life-transforming. He says, ” I always wanted to be an author and share my life journey as a single parent, but the way it eventually happened over time was quite mystic. I feel that this book happened at the right time during the pandemic as it worked as a therapy for me, destressing me during difficult times. As for me, Penguin publishers and this book chose me rather than me choosing them.”
Addressing Doonites on what they can expect from his upcoming session at DLF, Tusshar says, “The people of Dehradun can expect a bit of honesty, fun, as well as deep insights into what this book is really about. Rest, I’m leaving it kind of spontaneous and planning to go with the flow, to come up with the best outcomes.”
Published in January 2022, Tusshar’s book offers a deep dive into his journey to fatherhood and will touch upon several aspects of being a single parent. Through the course of 10 chapters spread across 224 pages, Tusshar’s book journals the last decade of his life.
The three-day-long Dehradun Literature Festival is scheduled from 1st to 3rd April at the Hyatt Regency and The Doon International School, Riverside Campus, Dehradun. To facilitate participation, anyone can register on the DLF website and attend the festival free of cost.